Beginner bloggers are often afraid of the new blogging tools and features available to them. Don't be afraid to take risks and try new things on your blog. From adding a new plug-in to holding your first blog contest, it's important that you keep your blog fresh by implementing changes that will enhance your blog. Alternatively, don't fall prey to every new bell and whistle that becomes available for your blog. Instead, review each potential enhancement in terms of how it will help you reach your goals for your blog and how your audience will respond to it.

It seems like every day there are new tools available to bloggers. The Internet changes quickly, and the blogosphere is not an exception to that rule. As you develop your blog, take the time to research new tools and features, and keep an eye on the latest news from the blogosphere. You never know when a new tool will roll out that can make your life easier or enhance your readers' experiences on your blog.

Without building authority, trying to increase your blog traffic is just a waste of time. Even if you bring a lot of traffic, you will surely struggle to make sales online.

There are a few ways to approach this. One, add the audio blog to your current podcast feed. Two, create a separate feed for the audio blog and capitalize on the New and Noteworthy juice in iTunes.
For beginning bloggers, I recommend writing for 30 minutes per day. That’s it. Just sit down (without checking your email!), open up a new post or a saved draft, and write until 30 minutes is up. If you feel really excited about what you’re writing and want to keep going, then do! But if the inspiration just isn’t there, then go grab a snack and get on with the rest of your day. The important thing is to write as a discipline and to develop your style, while not driving relentlessly toward a certain number of posts per week. People burn out on blogging that way.
Nihar Mehta Hello Ankit, I am a regular visitor of your site and love all the guides which you share. I am blogging from last 2 years but didn’t see any major success till now, but I have never given up and your this article helped me a lot to boost my blog from zero to hero as you have said. Thank you, Nihar. Reply Leave a reply: Cancel Reply
In the Tutorials for Managing Your Editorial Calendar, I’ll teach you how to plan ahead, so that you never miss a publishing date. You’ll learn the strategies and tools I use with my team to publish the right mix of content, on time, every time.
My managing editor, Janna Maron, joins me to talk about how to create and keep an editorial calendar. Learn our favorite tools for organizing content and writing tips you can put into action today.
May 8, 2014 Reply Joseph Ratliff 39. Let your passion (and knowledge) shine through your posts, not the “I need money” factor. People have an innate sense that you’re “going for the click” or becoming a “used car salesman.” In your emails, don’t use deception and trickery to get “opens.” Show your true intent, are you selling or are you sharing? The emails I read on a daily basis don’t need to “sell” me anything, I am more than happy to support the artist who is sharing content… WHEN they are on my short “trust list.”
Ankit Singla Hi Pawan, Thanks for your comment. Glad you liked the article. Would you like to add more tips here? As of now, I have 6K subscribers and I am not accepting guest posts. Thank you for your understanding. Ankit
19. Trust is The Currency Online If you are struggling to increase your online sales, it might be because you are doing “interruption marketing” not “permission marketing”. You need to have people’s permission to make more sales. You can do that only if you have their trust. Therefore, trust is the new currency online. If you are wondering how to build trust with the new audience, try implementing the following strategies. Add social proof. Ask your readers to give testimonials about your blog or your products. If you showcase them on your blog’s landing pages, they will boost your conversions.If you have landed on top blogs or major online portals with your guest posts, display them in logo format. This is the surest yet simple way to build trust among your audience really quickly.Frequently interact with your audience and existing customers. Know their frustrations and try to solve them with your blog’s content, product or services. #BloggingTips - Trust is The Currency Online Click to Tweet
It's okay to be more conversational in your writing -- in fact, we encourage it. The more approachable your writing is, the more people will enjoy reading it. People want to feel like they're doing business with real people, not robots.
It’s not. A blog takes time, effort and contentious, effective strategy management to succeed. There’s a lot more to it than just writing some nice posts and putting them up for all to see.
Why? The stream-of-consciousness style of writing isn't really a good style for blog posts. Most people are going to scan your blog posts, not read them, so it needs to be organized really well for that to happen.
I love your blog. I have started visiting it at least once a week, and each time I visit there is a new post that I become obsessed with. This one, is this week’s. When I sit down to my computer, I get serious ADD and every other thing going on, on the internet takes my attention away from blogging, or whatever other goal I’ve set. I need to find a way to SHUT THAT DOWN, and focus on working on just blogging. Jillian recently posted..Stocking Stuffers for the Toddler in Your LifeTwitter: jillianmack
Blogging is a wonderful world of participating, discussing, promoting, teaching, learning, and sharing. If you spend all your time on your own blog, you’re missing out on being part of a community of bloggers who support each other. There is a lot of reciprocity to blogging, and when you become known as a person who promotes others, others will be attracted to you, to your platform (your blog!), and to your community.
First of all, I want to say great blog! I had a quick question in which I’d like to ask if you don’t mind. I am using Reddit and hubpages to drive traffic but unfortunately, I got banned from hubpages. do you have any idea to get unbanned from hubpages.?
Rocco Hi Ankit, As a newbie in this platform, I am trying make better of my work as much as I could. Unfortunately, was missing out with some important part you have mentioned on your post. Mostly, I go short with words when I write articles, making it up to 700 is hard it seemed. Though it was alright but got myself wrong on this. Another big help for me of yours is the idea of Standing out from the crowd. This post of yours certainly gonna help me and many others like me out there. Thanks a Lot for the experience and suggestions you have share.
Your blog template is very crucial for your SEO and branding. We have already talked about difference between free & premium WordPress theme, and for a newbie blogger it’s a good idea to invest a little on a premium template. If budget is a constraint for you, you should opt for Elegant themes from Premium WordPress theme club, as it offers amazing collection of Premium WordPress themes at very low price.
10 of 10 Be Yourself Remember, your blog is an extension of you and your brand, and your loyal readers will keep coming back to hear what you have to say. Inject your personality into your blog and adapt a consistent tone for your posts. Determine whether your blog and brand will be more effective with a corporate tone, a youthful tone or a snarky tone. Then stay consistent with that tone in all your blog communications. People don't read blogs simply to get the news. They could read a newspaper for news reports. Instead, people read blogs to get bloggers' opinions on the news, the world, life and more. Don't blog like a reporter. Blog like you're having a conversation with each of your readers. Blog from your heart.
The biggest and confusing problem i am facing is, with email subscription. I am using google feedburner to allow my readers to subscribe for my blog.But When when tested it, i found that it is not working properly. My one friend also subscribed for my blog but i am not getting the email in my subscription list.
Well, the king and queen’s defining characteristics are their crowns. Royalty without a crown can easily be mistaken for a commoner, and the same is true for content and engagement. Images are the crown that set apart and complete both your content and your engagement potential.
So, What Ankit intent is In the industries like Blog, SEO, content Marketing, Email Marketing monetizations like display ads won’t work. You can generate money through your leads. By selling goods and sharing your tools to earn affiliate commission.
And many more. Always remember, a blog have no limit, a normal blog can be one of the biggest brand in coming days. Years back, mashable and Techrunch used to be just another blog. Is int it? So, lets get it started:
I plan to launch my own products such as Ebook and blogging training course, but now working on building authority and online reputation. My email list is growing now and even it isn’t a big, but always grow.
Chiranjit Hi Ankit, At first thanks for the article. Being a new blogger i always searching for an article like this from where i get some knowledge about the blogging. Now, my website ranking improving day by day. Reply Leave a reply: Cancel Reply
You may not get the results you want for months or years. Just keep your head down and write useful, entertaining content regularly for one or two years, at least. Share each post with as many people as you can, and ask them to share it too.
Next, add subscription CTAs to your blog (and elsewhere, like the footer of your website) to make it easy for people to opt in. These CTAs should be simple, one-field email opt-in forms near the top of your blog, above the fold. As for where to put these CTAs, we typically place our blog CTAs at the bottom of our blog posts or add a slide-in, which you can learn how to do using a free tool called Leadin here.
One tactic that I really enjoy is getting businesses to write about topics other than their products, services or company news. Very basic, I know, but I find that many B2B businesses still tend to use their blogs primarily to talk about themselves.
http://gidiplanet.comIt seems like every day there are new tools available to bloggers. The Internet changes quickly, and the blogosphere is not an exception to that rule. As you develop your blog, take the time to research new tools and features, and keep an eye on the latest news from the blogosphere. You never know when a new tool will roll out that can make your life easier or enhance your readers' experiences on your blog.
Without building authority, trying to increase your blog traffic is just a waste of time. Even if you bring a lot of traffic, you will surely struggle to make sales online.
There are a few ways to approach this. One, add the audio blog to your current podcast feed. Two, create a separate feed for the audio blog and capitalize on the New and Noteworthy juice in iTunes.
For beginning bloggers, I recommend writing for 30 minutes per day. That’s it. Just sit down (without checking your email!), open up a new post or a saved draft, and write until 30 minutes is up. If you feel really excited about what you’re writing and want to keep going, then do! But if the inspiration just isn’t there, then go grab a snack and get on with the rest of your day. The important thing is to write as a discipline and to develop your style, while not driving relentlessly toward a certain number of posts per week. People burn out on blogging that way.
Nihar Mehta Hello Ankit, I am a regular visitor of your site and love all the guides which you share. I am blogging from last 2 years but didn’t see any major success till now, but I have never given up and your this article helped me a lot to boost my blog from zero to hero as you have said. Thank you, Nihar. Reply Leave a reply: Cancel Reply
In the Tutorials for Managing Your Editorial Calendar, I’ll teach you how to plan ahead, so that you never miss a publishing date. You’ll learn the strategies and tools I use with my team to publish the right mix of content, on time, every time.
My managing editor, Janna Maron, joins me to talk about how to create and keep an editorial calendar. Learn our favorite tools for organizing content and writing tips you can put into action today.
May 8, 2014 Reply Joseph Ratliff 39. Let your passion (and knowledge) shine through your posts, not the “I need money” factor. People have an innate sense that you’re “going for the click” or becoming a “used car salesman.” In your emails, don’t use deception and trickery to get “opens.” Show your true intent, are you selling or are you sharing? The emails I read on a daily basis don’t need to “sell” me anything, I am more than happy to support the artist who is sharing content… WHEN they are on my short “trust list.”
Ankit Singla Hi Pawan, Thanks for your comment. Glad you liked the article. Would you like to add more tips here? As of now, I have 6K subscribers and I am not accepting guest posts. Thank you for your understanding. Ankit
19. Trust is The Currency Online If you are struggling to increase your online sales, it might be because you are doing “interruption marketing” not “permission marketing”. You need to have people’s permission to make more sales. You can do that only if you have their trust. Therefore, trust is the new currency online. If you are wondering how to build trust with the new audience, try implementing the following strategies. Add social proof. Ask your readers to give testimonials about your blog or your products. If you showcase them on your blog’s landing pages, they will boost your conversions.If you have landed on top blogs or major online portals with your guest posts, display them in logo format. This is the surest yet simple way to build trust among your audience really quickly.Frequently interact with your audience and existing customers. Know their frustrations and try to solve them with your blog’s content, product or services. #BloggingTips - Trust is The Currency Online Click to Tweet
It's okay to be more conversational in your writing -- in fact, we encourage it. The more approachable your writing is, the more people will enjoy reading it. People want to feel like they're doing business with real people, not robots.
It’s not. A blog takes time, effort and contentious, effective strategy management to succeed. There’s a lot more to it than just writing some nice posts and putting them up for all to see.
Why? The stream-of-consciousness style of writing isn't really a good style for blog posts. Most people are going to scan your blog posts, not read them, so it needs to be organized really well for that to happen.
I love your blog. I have started visiting it at least once a week, and each time I visit there is a new post that I become obsessed with. This one, is this week’s. When I sit down to my computer, I get serious ADD and every other thing going on, on the internet takes my attention away from blogging, or whatever other goal I’ve set. I need to find a way to SHUT THAT DOWN, and focus on working on just blogging. Jillian recently posted..Stocking Stuffers for the Toddler in Your LifeTwitter: jillianmack
Blogging is a wonderful world of participating, discussing, promoting, teaching, learning, and sharing. If you spend all your time on your own blog, you’re missing out on being part of a community of bloggers who support each other. There is a lot of reciprocity to blogging, and when you become known as a person who promotes others, others will be attracted to you, to your platform (your blog!), and to your community.
First of all, I want to say great blog! I had a quick question in which I’d like to ask if you don’t mind. I am using Reddit and hubpages to drive traffic but unfortunately, I got banned from hubpages. do you have any idea to get unbanned from hubpages.?
Rocco Hi Ankit, As a newbie in this platform, I am trying make better of my work as much as I could. Unfortunately, was missing out with some important part you have mentioned on your post. Mostly, I go short with words when I write articles, making it up to 700 is hard it seemed. Though it was alright but got myself wrong on this. Another big help for me of yours is the idea of Standing out from the crowd. This post of yours certainly gonna help me and many others like me out there. Thanks a Lot for the experience and suggestions you have share.
Your blog template is very crucial for your SEO and branding. We have already talked about difference between free & premium WordPress theme, and for a newbie blogger it’s a good idea to invest a little on a premium template. If budget is a constraint for you, you should opt for Elegant themes from Premium WordPress theme club, as it offers amazing collection of Premium WordPress themes at very low price.
10 of 10 Be Yourself Remember, your blog is an extension of you and your brand, and your loyal readers will keep coming back to hear what you have to say. Inject your personality into your blog and adapt a consistent tone for your posts. Determine whether your blog and brand will be more effective with a corporate tone, a youthful tone or a snarky tone. Then stay consistent with that tone in all your blog communications. People don't read blogs simply to get the news. They could read a newspaper for news reports. Instead, people read blogs to get bloggers' opinions on the news, the world, life and more. Don't blog like a reporter. Blog like you're having a conversation with each of your readers. Blog from your heart.
The biggest and confusing problem i am facing is, with email subscription. I am using google feedburner to allow my readers to subscribe for my blog.But When when tested it, i found that it is not working properly. My one friend also subscribed for my blog but i am not getting the email in my subscription list.
Well, the king and queen’s defining characteristics are their crowns. Royalty without a crown can easily be mistaken for a commoner, and the same is true for content and engagement. Images are the crown that set apart and complete both your content and your engagement potential.
So, What Ankit intent is In the industries like Blog, SEO, content Marketing, Email Marketing monetizations like display ads won’t work. You can generate money through your leads. By selling goods and sharing your tools to earn affiliate commission.
And many more. Always remember, a blog have no limit, a normal blog can be one of the biggest brand in coming days. Years back, mashable and Techrunch used to be just another blog. Is int it? So, lets get it started:
I plan to launch my own products such as Ebook and blogging training course, but now working on building authority and online reputation. My email list is growing now and even it isn’t a big, but always grow.
Chiranjit Hi Ankit, At first thanks for the article. Being a new blogger i always searching for an article like this from where i get some knowledge about the blogging. Now, my website ranking improving day by day. Reply Leave a reply: Cancel Reply
You may not get the results you want for months or years. Just keep your head down and write useful, entertaining content regularly for one or two years, at least. Share each post with as many people as you can, and ask them to share it too.
Next, add subscription CTAs to your blog (and elsewhere, like the footer of your website) to make it easy for people to opt in. These CTAs should be simple, one-field email opt-in forms near the top of your blog, above the fold. As for where to put these CTAs, we typically place our blog CTAs at the bottom of our blog posts or add a slide-in, which you can learn how to do using a free tool called Leadin here.
One tactic that I really enjoy is getting businesses to write about topics other than their products, services or company news. Very basic, I know, but I find that many B2B businesses still tend to use their blogs primarily to talk about themselves.
Learn how to create an ebook Get access to this free guide, downloaded over 200,000 times! First Name First Name required Email Address Email Address required Subscribe Now! No Thanks Sorry, an error has occurred. Please try again! Let me help you Grow Your Business For more email-based advice, select additional areas of interest below. If it’s already checked, that means you’ve previously let me know that you’re interested in that topic. An error has occurred. Please try again. Update profile Skip for now Check your email to confirm. You’ll get a link to my Thank You page, which has the download for Ebooks the Smart Way. Close window
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