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Arrested man releasedA man, aged 23, who was arrested in Shoreham-on-Sea, Sussex, in connection with the Manchester Arena attack has been released without charge. He had been arrested on Monday May 29. In total 18 people have been arrested in connection with investigation. Seven of those have been released without charge.

Man arrested in Fallowfield is releasedAn 18-year-old man arrested in connection with the Manchester Arena attack has been released from custody.He was arrested on 24 May 2017 in Fallowfield, Manchester.As it stands, 18 people have been arrested in connection with the investigation, of which eleven people have been released without charge.A total of seven men remain in custody for questioning.

Tom Moore disappeared in Italy in 2003 aged 31 and would now be aged 45. A 15-year-old boy sent the family videos of a man he claimed was Tom. Brother Ben said it is 'the closest and most realistic to Tom' and the family have flown out to Milan to follow up on the lead. The choir, which is made up of people who have missing family members, performed in the final of the talent show on June 3 but were beaten by pianist Tokyo Myers.
Alex Salmond has been kicked out of Parliament after losing his fight to be re-elected as MP for Gordon. The former SNP leader joined more than a dozen of his SNP colleagues on the sacked list this morning in a grim night for the nationalists. Mr Salmond was swept away by a Scottish Conservative surge that saw an historic resurgence in the Scottish borders and the north east. Mr Salmond, the SNP's foreign affairs spokesman, had swept to power in the seat with a 8,687 majority in 2015, overturning decades of Liberal Democrat rule.
'There will be additional security checks taking place'Greater Manchester Police are warning people going to tonight’s One Love concert, and the Michael Carrick testimonial, that security will be even tighter than originally planned.Assistant Chief Constable Garry Shewan said:We’re deeply saddened to hear about last night’s horrific attacks in London and our thoughts are with everyone affected, including the emergency services responding to the incident. There are two large-scale event taking place in Greater Manchester today and we would like to assure people that these will still take place, but with additional security in place to ensure the safety of everyone. We have dedicated resources at both events, with a significant number of officers from both GMP and colleagues from other forces, some of which will be armed. There will be additional security checks taking place and everyone will be searched, including bags. We would ask people not to bring bags if they can, as this will help speed up entry. I’d like to remind people that the threat level remains at severe, which means an attack is highly likely. Please remain vigilant at all times, and report anything suspicious that causes you concern to the Anti-Terrorist Hotline on 0800 789 321 or 999 in an emergency.
Maps used by General Omar Bradley to plan Operation Cobra, the breakout of American forces from Omaha and Utah beaches after the invasion of Normandy, have emerged. The maps were drawn up at the end of each day of fighting, allowing Bradley to plan his maneuvers for the following day. The map from June 6 (left), is sparse, reflecting the confusing situation on the ground. It shows the Allies missed all their main objectives, but carved out strategically important beachheads from which to push forward with the invasion. By the end of June 7 (top right), British forces had linked Gold, Sword and Juno beaches and begun pushing inland despite German forces rushing up to stop them, while American infantry was still bogged down at Omaha and Utah. On June 8 Allied forces came pouring ashore (bottom right), as the British carved out a swathe of territory that would be used to establish airfields. Bradley's forces, however, faced fierce opposition and made little progress. Despite the difficulties, his plans eventually proved a success, as the Allies liberated Caen on July 21, and Paris around a month later. The maps are now up for auction.
The Putin Interviews, which will air on Showtime, were shot between 2015 and February of this year. They give insight into one of the world's most powerful men.
Sarah Spencer (pictured), 25, of Chepstow, South Wales, used photos of her ex to create the false social media account. She was jailed for 20 weeks at Newport Crown Court.
Michelle Spencer, 48, of Gomersall (left, centre, and right left), pleaded guilty to murdering her partner David Butterfield (far left), 43, with a kitchen knife that she plunged into his heart. Spencer was sentenced to 13 years for the 'utterly unprovoked assault' on Mr Butterfield, during which she 'suddenly and deliberately' stabbed her partner. Leeds Crown Court heard Spencer had been holding a knife before the incident because she was preparing food.Jailing Spencer, Mr Justice Soole said: 'This was an utterly unprovoked assault with a knife on your innocent partner.
Socialite who hit a neighbour's car with her Mercedes outside her £4.5m London home then failed a breath test has a drink-driving charge dropped after telling court she drank whiskey AFTER the crash Marie Lindblad-Hill, 46, who has appeared in the pages of society magazine Tatler, did not stop when she crashed into a Tesla outside her home in Kensington, west London. 110 comments 9 shares Socialite let off drink-driving charge after Kensington crash
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis ure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
(CNN) - A week after swimming on a family vacation, a 4-year-old boy from Texas took his last breath. The suspected cause of death is "dry drowning," a rare condition in which there is a delayed physical reaction to inhaling water.
Cyclist lay dying yards from an A&E unit after witnesses were told staff were too busy to come and help The first paramedics on the scene came from a private ambulance passing by chance. The victim, musician Nick Wilsdon (picture) died of his injuries three days later. comments 6 shares Cyclist lay dying yards from an A&E unit as staff 'too busy' to help Prosecutors charge eight men for 'trying to smuggle illegal Albanian immigrants across the English Channel in small inflatable boats' The National Crime Agency began investigating after an abandoned rigid hulled inflatable boat containing life jackets was found on Dymchurch beach in Kent in May last year. 1 video 37 shares Prosecutors charge eight men for alleged smuggling Vandal who ransacked Lee Rigby memorial days before fourth anniversary of his murder is fined just £105 Patrick Burke, 66, binned several flags and tributes during a destructive rampage at the monument in Woolwich, which marks the spot where the soldier, 25, was butchered by two terrorists. 202 comments 1 video 3.6k shares Vandal who ransacked Lee Rigby memorial in Woolwich fined just £105
Newsletter Preferences Congratulations, you're now registered! Let us know what news and updates you want to hear about and we'll send them straight to your inbox. No thanks, take me straight to the site. Daily Newsletter Additional Newsletter Where do you live? Enter your postcode so we can keep you up-to-date with the latest local news and exciting deals. Please provide a valid UK postcode Done
The choice of a black man to replace Alexandra Shulman shouldn't be the main topic of discussion. Yes, this is a positive step for a publication that has traditionally been steered by white, middle class women, but I don't think we should be blinded by Enninful's race or gender - ultimately he is a huge talent with incredible experience.
14 million people watched One Love Manchester concertThe One Love Manchester concert has notched up a new record to become the biggest TV show of the year so far - attracting a peak of more than 14 million viewers on Sunday night. An average of 10.9 million viewers watched Ariana Grande, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, Liam Gallagher, Pharrell Williams, Coldplay and the Black Eyed Peas take to the stage. The emotional concert, which aired on BBC1, attracted a peak of 14.5 million viewers. Britain’s Got Talent, on ITV, held the previous record for the year with 9.4 million viewers on May 6. Sunday’s concert, to honour and raise funds for the victims and families affected by the Manchester attack, aired to over 50 countries, including Brazil, the US, Germany, China, the Caribbean Islands and Australia. According to official consolidated figures - which includes catch-up and other services - the most-watched programme of the year was the Broadchurch finale, broadcast in April, with 11.6 million viewers. Consolidated figures for One Love Manchester have not yet been revealed.
Violin left unfinished by private who died on the Western Front is played by his grave 100 years on after chance discovery reunited his family Pte Richard Howard (right) dreamt of returning from the front line to finishing making his violin. But the war hero lost his life during the Battle of Messines, on June 7 1914, in Belgium. But following his death, the partially crafted violin was lost for nearly a century. That was until Oxford luthier, Roger Claridge, bought the incomplete instrument at an auction and completed it in his workshop. And it was later, in 2009, when it was acquired by award-winning violinist Sam Sweeney who set about trying to track down they mysterious violin's creator. 45 comments 122 shares A war hero's violin that he never got to finish making is now complete
Renewable sources of energy have generated more electricity than coal and gas in the UK for the first time. National Grid reported that, on Wednesday lunchtime, power from wind, solar, hydro and wood pellet burning supplied 50.7% of UK energy.
11:07Man arrested in Sussex released without chargeA 23-year-old man, who was arrested in connection with the investigation into the attack at Manchester Arena, has been released without charge.He was arrested on Monday 29 May in the Shoreham-on-Sea area of Sussex.
While his team mates ignored the one minute's silence for the victims of the London Bridge terrorist attacks, one lone Saudi Arabian soccer player chose to respectfully honour the dead. Salman Al-Faraj, wearing number 7, solemnly held his hands behind his back and stared at the ground during the minute's silence before the World Cup qualifier against Australia on Thursday night. The 27-year-old midfielder was praised for his actions as his teammates walked off to their positions on the pitch and started warming up - with one player even stopping to tie up his shoelaces.
Inspiring images show self-employed Nate Murphy 32, originally from St. Dominick, Cornwall, working on his cargo van as he transforms the white Ford vehicle into a camper.
11:1214 million people watched One Love Manchester concertThe One Love Manchester concert has notched up a new record to become the biggest TV show of the year so far - attracting a peak of more than 14 million viewers on Sunday night. An average of 10.9 million viewers watched Ariana Grande, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, Liam Gallagher, Pharrell Williams, Coldplay and the Black Eyed Peas take to the stage. The emotional concert, which aired on BBC1, attracted a peak of 14.5 million viewers. Britain’s Got Talent, on ITV, held the previous record for the year with 9.4 million viewers on May 6. Sunday’s concert, to honour and raise funds for the victims and families affected by the Manchester attack, aired to over 50 countries, including Brazil, the US, Germany, China, the Caribbean Islands and Australia. According to official consolidated figures - which includes catch-up and other services - the most-watched programme of the year was the Broadchurch finale, broadcast in April, with 11.6 million viewers. Consolidated figures for One Love Manchester have not yet been revealed.
Single mother, 24, who let drug dealer stash crack, heroin and machine guns in her kitchen is jailed for eight years Remmay Williams, 24, of Leicester allowed her home to be used as a safe house for criminals to stash weapons, ammunition and class A drugs. She was jailed for eight years for her crimes. 6 comments share Single mother let drug dealer stash drugs and guns in her flat
Charlie Gard's devastated mother broke down in tears (shown main) and screamed as Supreme Court judges as she and her partner lost their legal fight to take their baby son (inset) to the US for treatment. Chris Gard and Connie Yates, from Bedfont, west London, want a doctor in the USA to give experimental treatment to the ten-month-old who has a rare genetic illness. He is on life support at Great Ormond Street Hospital where doctors believe his parents' wishes should be ignored and his life support switched off. But today, after an emergency hearing, three Supreme Court judges ruled that the family would not have a full appeal hearing later this year. Ms Yates wept as she was led from the court, where she and the little boy's father had argued that the state has no right to 'extinguish' their little boy's life.
How to disable your ad blocker for Adblock / Adblock Plus Click the Adblock/Adblock Plus icon, which is to the right of your address bar. On Adblock click "Don't run on pages on this domain". On Adblock Plus click "Enabled on this site" to disable ad blocking for the current website you are on. If you are in Firefox click "disable on". Firefox Tracking Protection If you are Private Browsing in Firefox, "Tracking Protection" may cause the adblock notice to show. It can be temporarily disabled by clicking the "shield" icon in the address bar. Ghostery Click the Ghostery icon. In versions before 6.0 click "whitelist site". In version 6.0 click "trust site" or add to your Trusted Site list. In versions before 6.0 you will see the message "Site is whitelisted". Click "reload the page to see your changes". uBlock Click the uBlock icon. Then click the big power button to whitelist the current web site, and its state will be remembered next time you visit the web site. Then reload the page.
Dumped ex-girlfriend who set up a fake Facebook profile in her former lover's name to send threatening and abusive messages to HERSELF is jailed Sarah Spencer (pictured), 25, of Chepstow, South Wales, used photos of her ex to create the false social media account. She was jailed for 20 weeks at Newport Crown Court. 6 comments 9 shares Facebook account faker jailed for sending abusive messages to her ex
'How can they do this to us?' Charlie Gard's devastated mother breaks down in tears and screams at judges as she loses her Supreme Court fight to take her sick baby son to the US for experimental treatment Charlie Gard's devastated mother broke down in tears (shown main) and screamed as Supreme Court judges as she and her partner lost their legal fight to take their baby son (inset) to the US for treatment. Chris Gard and Connie Yates, from Bedfont, west London, want a doctor in the USA to give experimental treatment to the ten-month-old who has a rare genetic illness. He is on life support at Great Ormond Street Hospital where doctors believe his parents' wishes should be ignored and his life support switched off. But today, after an emergency hearing, three Supreme Court judges ruled that the family would not have a full appeal hearing later this year. Ms Yates wept as she was led from the court, where she and the little boy's father had argued that the state has no right to 'extinguish' their little boy's life. 1k comments 1 video 5.6k shares Charlie Gard's life support to be turned off as parents lose court bid
Lt Nicholas Robinson, 28, allegedly pinned the woman to the bed and attacked her, at the Raddison Blu Hotel in Bahrain. When she woke up he raped her again, a military court heard.
Watch the moment police officers dance with crowd at One Love ManchesterThis video captures the magical moment when police officers joined in with the dancing at the One Love Manchester concertThe officers were filmed at Sunday night’s star-studded show at Old Trafford - the event organised by Ariana Grande to raise funds for the victims of the Manchester terror attack.The emotional show, which featured Ariana, Take That, Robbie Williams, Katy Perry, Little Mix, Niall Horan, Pharell, Miley Cyrus, Coldplay and Liam Gallagher, was broadcast live on BBC.But it was the scenes in the crowd which ended up bringing a number of people to tears at home.As Justin Bieber was making an emotional speech during his set, an officer was seen playing what looked like Ring a Ring o’ Roses with children.Twitter user @mrdiscopop tweeted: “A policeman skipping with young fans at #OneLoveManchester. This is the moment I broke.” You can read more here.

Arrested man releasedA man, aged 23, who was arrested in Shoreham-on-Sea, Sussex, in connection with the Manchester Arena attack has been released without charge. He had been arrested on Monday May 29. In total 18 people have been arrested in connection with investigation. Seven of those have been released without charge.
Man arrested in Fallowfield is releasedAn 18-year-old man arrested in connection with the Manchester Arena attack has been released from custody.He was arrested on 24 May 2017 in Fallowfield, Manchester.As it stands, 18 people have been arrested in connection with the investigation, of which eleven people have been released without charge.A total of seven men remain in custody for questioning.
Tom Moore disappeared in Italy in 2003 aged 31 and would now be aged 45. A 15-year-old boy sent the family videos of a man he claimed was Tom. Brother Ben said it is 'the closest and most realistic to Tom' and the family have flown out to Milan to follow up on the lead. The choir, which is made up of people who have missing family members, performed in the final of the talent show on June 3 but were beaten by pianist Tokyo Myers.
Alex Salmond has been kicked out of Parliament after losing his fight to be re-elected as MP for Gordon. The former SNP leader joined more than a dozen of his SNP colleagues on the sacked list this morning in a grim night for the nationalists. Mr Salmond was swept away by a Scottish Conservative surge that saw an historic resurgence in the Scottish borders and the north east. Mr Salmond, the SNP's foreign affairs spokesman, had swept to power in the seat with a 8,687 majority in 2015, overturning decades of Liberal Democrat rule.
'There will be additional security checks taking place'Greater Manchester Police are warning people going to tonight’s One Love concert, and the Michael Carrick testimonial, that security will be even tighter than originally planned.Assistant Chief Constable Garry Shewan said:We’re deeply saddened to hear about last night’s horrific attacks in London and our thoughts are with everyone affected, including the emergency services responding to the incident. There are two large-scale event taking place in Greater Manchester today and we would like to assure people that these will still take place, but with additional security in place to ensure the safety of everyone. We have dedicated resources at both events, with a significant number of officers from both GMP and colleagues from other forces, some of which will be armed. There will be additional security checks taking place and everyone will be searched, including bags. We would ask people not to bring bags if they can, as this will help speed up entry. I’d like to remind people that the threat level remains at severe, which means an attack is highly likely. Please remain vigilant at all times, and report anything suspicious that causes you concern to the Anti-Terrorist Hotline on 0800 789 321 or 999 in an emergency.
Maps used by General Omar Bradley to plan Operation Cobra, the breakout of American forces from Omaha and Utah beaches after the invasion of Normandy, have emerged. The maps were drawn up at the end of each day of fighting, allowing Bradley to plan his maneuvers for the following day. The map from June 6 (left), is sparse, reflecting the confusing situation on the ground. It shows the Allies missed all their main objectives, but carved out strategically important beachheads from which to push forward with the invasion. By the end of June 7 (top right), British forces had linked Gold, Sword and Juno beaches and begun pushing inland despite German forces rushing up to stop them, while American infantry was still bogged down at Omaha and Utah. On June 8 Allied forces came pouring ashore (bottom right), as the British carved out a swathe of territory that would be used to establish airfields. Bradley's forces, however, faced fierce opposition and made little progress. Despite the difficulties, his plans eventually proved a success, as the Allies liberated Caen on July 21, and Paris around a month later. The maps are now up for auction.
The Putin Interviews, which will air on Showtime, were shot between 2015 and February of this year. They give insight into one of the world's most powerful men.
Sarah Spencer (pictured), 25, of Chepstow, South Wales, used photos of her ex to create the false social media account. She was jailed for 20 weeks at Newport Crown Court.
Michelle Spencer, 48, of Gomersall (left, centre, and right left), pleaded guilty to murdering her partner David Butterfield (far left), 43, with a kitchen knife that she plunged into his heart. Spencer was sentenced to 13 years for the 'utterly unprovoked assault' on Mr Butterfield, during which she 'suddenly and deliberately' stabbed her partner. Leeds Crown Court heard Spencer had been holding a knife before the incident because she was preparing food.Jailing Spencer, Mr Justice Soole said: 'This was an utterly unprovoked assault with a knife on your innocent partner.
Socialite who hit a neighbour's car with her Mercedes outside her £4.5m London home then failed a breath test has a drink-driving charge dropped after telling court she drank whiskey AFTER the crash Marie Lindblad-Hill, 46, who has appeared in the pages of society magazine Tatler, did not stop when she crashed into a Tesla outside her home in Kensington, west London. 110 comments 9 shares Socialite let off drink-driving charge after Kensington crash
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis ure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
(CNN) - A week after swimming on a family vacation, a 4-year-old boy from Texas took his last breath. The suspected cause of death is "dry drowning," a rare condition in which there is a delayed physical reaction to inhaling water.
Cyclist lay dying yards from an A&E unit after witnesses were told staff were too busy to come and help The first paramedics on the scene came from a private ambulance passing by chance. The victim, musician Nick Wilsdon (picture) died of his injuries three days later. comments 6 shares Cyclist lay dying yards from an A&E unit as staff 'too busy' to help Prosecutors charge eight men for 'trying to smuggle illegal Albanian immigrants across the English Channel in small inflatable boats' The National Crime Agency began investigating after an abandoned rigid hulled inflatable boat containing life jackets was found on Dymchurch beach in Kent in May last year. 1 video 37 shares Prosecutors charge eight men for alleged smuggling Vandal who ransacked Lee Rigby memorial days before fourth anniversary of his murder is fined just £105 Patrick Burke, 66, binned several flags and tributes during a destructive rampage at the monument in Woolwich, which marks the spot where the soldier, 25, was butchered by two terrorists. 202 comments 1 video 3.6k shares Vandal who ransacked Lee Rigby memorial in Woolwich fined just £105
Newsletter Preferences Congratulations, you're now registered! Let us know what news and updates you want to hear about and we'll send them straight to your inbox. No thanks, take me straight to the site. Daily Newsletter Additional Newsletter Where do you live? Enter your postcode so we can keep you up-to-date with the latest local news and exciting deals. Please provide a valid UK postcode Done
The choice of a black man to replace Alexandra Shulman shouldn't be the main topic of discussion. Yes, this is a positive step for a publication that has traditionally been steered by white, middle class women, but I don't think we should be blinded by Enninful's race or gender - ultimately he is a huge talent with incredible experience.
14 million people watched One Love Manchester concertThe One Love Manchester concert has notched up a new record to become the biggest TV show of the year so far - attracting a peak of more than 14 million viewers on Sunday night. An average of 10.9 million viewers watched Ariana Grande, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, Liam Gallagher, Pharrell Williams, Coldplay and the Black Eyed Peas take to the stage. The emotional concert, which aired on BBC1, attracted a peak of 14.5 million viewers. Britain’s Got Talent, on ITV, held the previous record for the year with 9.4 million viewers on May 6. Sunday’s concert, to honour and raise funds for the victims and families affected by the Manchester attack, aired to over 50 countries, including Brazil, the US, Germany, China, the Caribbean Islands and Australia. According to official consolidated figures - which includes catch-up and other services - the most-watched programme of the year was the Broadchurch finale, broadcast in April, with 11.6 million viewers. Consolidated figures for One Love Manchester have not yet been revealed.
Violin left unfinished by private who died on the Western Front is played by his grave 100 years on after chance discovery reunited his family Pte Richard Howard (right) dreamt of returning from the front line to finishing making his violin. But the war hero lost his life during the Battle of Messines, on June 7 1914, in Belgium. But following his death, the partially crafted violin was lost for nearly a century. That was until Oxford luthier, Roger Claridge, bought the incomplete instrument at an auction and completed it in his workshop. And it was later, in 2009, when it was acquired by award-winning violinist Sam Sweeney who set about trying to track down they mysterious violin's creator. 45 comments 122 shares A war hero's violin that he never got to finish making is now complete
Renewable sources of energy have generated more electricity than coal and gas in the UK for the first time. National Grid reported that, on Wednesday lunchtime, power from wind, solar, hydro and wood pellet burning supplied 50.7% of UK energy.
11:07Man arrested in Sussex released without chargeA 23-year-old man, who was arrested in connection with the investigation into the attack at Manchester Arena, has been released without charge.He was arrested on Monday 29 May in the Shoreham-on-Sea area of Sussex.
While his team mates ignored the one minute's silence for the victims of the London Bridge terrorist attacks, one lone Saudi Arabian soccer player chose to respectfully honour the dead. Salman Al-Faraj, wearing number 7, solemnly held his hands behind his back and stared at the ground during the minute's silence before the World Cup qualifier against Australia on Thursday night. The 27-year-old midfielder was praised for his actions as his teammates walked off to their positions on the pitch and started warming up - with one player even stopping to tie up his shoelaces.
Inspiring images show self-employed Nate Murphy 32, originally from St. Dominick, Cornwall, working on his cargo van as he transforms the white Ford vehicle into a camper.
11:1214 million people watched One Love Manchester concertThe One Love Manchester concert has notched up a new record to become the biggest TV show of the year so far - attracting a peak of more than 14 million viewers on Sunday night. An average of 10.9 million viewers watched Ariana Grande, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, Liam Gallagher, Pharrell Williams, Coldplay and the Black Eyed Peas take to the stage. The emotional concert, which aired on BBC1, attracted a peak of 14.5 million viewers. Britain’s Got Talent, on ITV, held the previous record for the year with 9.4 million viewers on May 6. Sunday’s concert, to honour and raise funds for the victims and families affected by the Manchester attack, aired to over 50 countries, including Brazil, the US, Germany, China, the Caribbean Islands and Australia. According to official consolidated figures - which includes catch-up and other services - the most-watched programme of the year was the Broadchurch finale, broadcast in April, with 11.6 million viewers. Consolidated figures for One Love Manchester have not yet been revealed.
Single mother, 24, who let drug dealer stash crack, heroin and machine guns in her kitchen is jailed for eight years Remmay Williams, 24, of Leicester allowed her home to be used as a safe house for criminals to stash weapons, ammunition and class A drugs. She was jailed for eight years for her crimes. 6 comments share Single mother let drug dealer stash drugs and guns in her flat
Charlie Gard's devastated mother broke down in tears (shown main) and screamed as Supreme Court judges as she and her partner lost their legal fight to take their baby son (inset) to the US for treatment. Chris Gard and Connie Yates, from Bedfont, west London, want a doctor in the USA to give experimental treatment to the ten-month-old who has a rare genetic illness. He is on life support at Great Ormond Street Hospital where doctors believe his parents' wishes should be ignored and his life support switched off. But today, after an emergency hearing, three Supreme Court judges ruled that the family would not have a full appeal hearing later this year. Ms Yates wept as she was led from the court, where she and the little boy's father had argued that the state has no right to 'extinguish' their little boy's life.
How to disable your ad blocker for Adblock / Adblock Plus Click the Adblock/Adblock Plus icon, which is to the right of your address bar. On Adblock click "Don't run on pages on this domain". On Adblock Plus click "Enabled on this site" to disable ad blocking for the current website you are on. If you are in Firefox click "disable on". Firefox Tracking Protection If you are Private Browsing in Firefox, "Tracking Protection" may cause the adblock notice to show. It can be temporarily disabled by clicking the "shield" icon in the address bar. Ghostery Click the Ghostery icon. In versions before 6.0 click "whitelist site". In version 6.0 click "trust site" or add to your Trusted Site list. In versions before 6.0 you will see the message "Site is whitelisted". Click "reload the page to see your changes". uBlock Click the uBlock icon. Then click the big power button to whitelist the current web site, and its state will be remembered next time you visit the web site. Then reload the page.
Dumped ex-girlfriend who set up a fake Facebook profile in her former lover's name to send threatening and abusive messages to HERSELF is jailed Sarah Spencer (pictured), 25, of Chepstow, South Wales, used photos of her ex to create the false social media account. She was jailed for 20 weeks at Newport Crown Court. 6 comments 9 shares Facebook account faker jailed for sending abusive messages to her ex
'How can they do this to us?' Charlie Gard's devastated mother breaks down in tears and screams at judges as she loses her Supreme Court fight to take her sick baby son to the US for experimental treatment Charlie Gard's devastated mother broke down in tears (shown main) and screamed as Supreme Court judges as she and her partner lost their legal fight to take their baby son (inset) to the US for treatment. Chris Gard and Connie Yates, from Bedfont, west London, want a doctor in the USA to give experimental treatment to the ten-month-old who has a rare genetic illness. He is on life support at Great Ormond Street Hospital where doctors believe his parents' wishes should be ignored and his life support switched off. But today, after an emergency hearing, three Supreme Court judges ruled that the family would not have a full appeal hearing later this year. Ms Yates wept as she was led from the court, where she and the little boy's father had argued that the state has no right to 'extinguish' their little boy's life. 1k comments 1 video 5.6k shares Charlie Gard's life support to be turned off as parents lose court bid
Lt Nicholas Robinson, 28, allegedly pinned the woman to the bed and attacked her, at the Raddison Blu Hotel in Bahrain. When she woke up he raped her again, a military court heard.
Watch the moment police officers dance with crowd at One Love ManchesterThis video captures the magical moment when police officers joined in with the dancing at the One Love Manchester concertThe officers were filmed at Sunday night’s star-studded show at Old Trafford - the event organised by Ariana Grande to raise funds for the victims of the Manchester terror attack.The emotional show, which featured Ariana, Take That, Robbie Williams, Katy Perry, Little Mix, Niall Horan, Pharell, Miley Cyrus, Coldplay and Liam Gallagher, was broadcast live on BBC.But it was the scenes in the crowd which ended up bringing a number of people to tears at home.As Justin Bieber was making an emotional speech during his set, an officer was seen playing what looked like Ring a Ring o’ Roses with children.Twitter user @mrdiscopop tweeted: “A policeman skipping with young fans at #OneLoveManchester. This is the moment I broke.” You can read more here.
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