That doesn’t work in the post-Penguin era where this could get you a high PR (page rank). While the right inbound website link can grow your Google rankings, revenue, and brand, the wrong ones can get your site penalized. And, you never know what Google will do next.

Carlos Miguel July 13, 2016 at 3:51 pm / Reply Hi, Just want to ask few questions about footprints if you are still there. Why should we leave no footprints if you are doing legit guest posting? And why use different pen names? Imagine you have guest posted on sites like Moz, Huffington,, or any authority sites all with the same pen name directing to your website. Didn’t Google will trust you and your site more? Or using different pen names build more diversity and look more organic? How about using real author name in authority sites and pen names on lower tier sites?
Hi, Onibalusi! Thanks a lot for such a wonderful list of building backlinks here. I will follow your all those points which you have clearly mentioned. Thank you once again, i always used to follow this blog and I am learning new things and tricks overall nice article and thanks for sharing a secret with us …
A few months back, I started blogging, and I have been struggling to rank my posts. After few weeks I came to know about backlinks. How backlinks are important to get better rank in google search results. But then I was confused and worried about spam and penalty. But here, I came to know about some ways to get backlinks easily. Thanks Sir.

By turning your PR strategy into an inbound one, you create opportunities that weren’t there before and carve out a place for your company, building meaningful mindshare in the process with your target audiences. Once you write a great press release, post it up on your website and then push out your releases to one of the big newswires to get more coverage.

The people searching for the two keyword phrases above are probably freelancers looking to make extra money through social media marketing. They are not your ideal target audience, so those aren’t the right keywords for you in link acquisition. Never target keywords that are off-topic or unrelated to your core message, products or services.
Blogging communities are another excellent way of getting noticed by people who are interested in reading blogs. Sites like Blog Engage, Inbound, GrowthHackers and Bizsugar all offer access to a wider community and can help you get a number of excellent links back to your blog.
Hi Felix, I just found your blog today. I’ve actually never tried the strategies you mentioned. One of the problems I find about guest posting is that it doesn’t work in ever single niche. For instance, one of the niches I am in people simply don’t guest post on other blogs. I also tried broken link method, didn’t work well for me. Probably need to try it once more. Another thing I’ve used to drive traffic to my websites is to write in relevant forums. A few of them allow you to had a signature. It’s quite old school I know but it still works. Thanks, Jordan
Hello Mr Patel, I am working hard trying to get backlinks. You and are my go to guys for this. I have been emailing people on Social Media Examiner and messsaging other people on Facebook. I’m very determined. Love your work, Scott Davidson.
Google has warned against guest posting and put a lot of people off. But high quality, targeted guest posts are different from the mass-produced, low-value posts that were a staple of many SEO strategies a few years ago. Done right, guest blogging can be an effective link building tool.
Yes, Really to create backlinks manually is too hard, Quora is one of the best way to get link naturally. Bookmarking is also a great way to get some links back.
Backlinks will remain a vital Google ranking factor. But, effective link building is now about trust and popularity. Only a high-quality backlink works in this model. According to Copyblogger, domain trust/authority represents 23.87% of Google’s ranking algorithm.
I use bookmarking for generation of buzz and possibly to get my stuff indexed, little more. My favorite form of linkbuilding comes from getting links on pages that already exist, are indexed, and carry PR as opposed to creating new, bare pages that you’ll need to build up as well. In large I’m referring to link-exchanges and blog posts. Youtube might be the only exception, but that’s because A, it’s massive and B, I’m on it regularly so it seems easy to watch something, leave a comment after, and build some authority to your page. Reply
Websites often employ SEO techniques to increase the number of backlinks pointing to their website. Some methods are free for use by everyone whereas some methods, like linkbaiting, require quite a bit of planning and marketing to work. There are also paid techniques to increase the number of backlinks to a target site. For example, private blog networks can be used to purchase backlinks.
Changes to the algorithms that produce search engine rankings can place a heightened focus on relevance to a particular topic. While some backlinks might be from sources containing highly valuable metrics, they could also be unrelated to the consumer's query or interest. An example of this would be a link from a popular shoe blog (with valuable metrics) to a site selling vintage pencil sharpeners. While the link appears valuable, it provides little to the consumer in terms of relevance.
If you would like to be a source, sign up to, and they’ll tell you when they need someone with your skills for an interview.
Thanks for your comment, Robert. I’m actually not a huge fan of forum backlinks. Forums are great for driving targeted traffic, but in my opinion, I don’t think Google places a lot of weight on forum backlinks
You can see all updates from the Niche Site Challenge here. I’m not too proud to admit when I messed up. And, around October last year, I really messed up. I promised to bring you a new niche site update every month. And did I? Nope. In fact, right now, One Day Guides lies untouched.
What kind of Blogs i have to Choose to do Guest Post ,? Since my Blog is a brand new, it doesn’t have good amount of traffic , Will the Guest blog owner consider my Blog ? One of my friend started a blog very recently .. He doesn’t do any keyword research and Create a articles like me , But Still he got very good Alexa Ranking ? and he is getting good amount of traffic as well . How it is possible ?
Thanks Kaiser, especially for the Alexa tip. Probably best to spread these links out over a period of 2-3 months to avoid Googler getting too suspicious. By the way, it seems that is brojen – it just wont let me add a new link. Regards, Paul
Rajesh Jhamb November 19, 2015 at 12:53 pm / Reply Gone those days when everybody could make spammy links and get ranked. SEO is changing process. It is evolving with the time. Google want to display quality results to its audience, that’s why It introduces Panda, penguin and other animal updates to knock out the spammy blogs from the Web. Great article indeed on Backlinks. Thank You Cheers!
Looks like some niches are better than others, but I really like Lilia’s comment about emailing sites that have links to your competitors. This is really awesome, especially if you can offer them great content that benefits them and their users. So glad I saw it!
To understand the potential of getting a link from a website, look at the number of comments they are getting per post. Also, check how many followers they have on social media and how often their fans are engaging with their posts.
Hey Oni, that’s a very good list. You’ve researched very well before writing this post. I could not even get to 50 if I would have written such article. This post deserves a RT and bookmark
If you're speaking at an event, make a really awesome, shareable presentation that people will want to find, share, and even link to later. Read this blog post for a start-to-finish guide on nailing your next presentation.
That’s because Google will also look at other outbound links in a piece of content as well, and see if they are all relevant. High quality, well researched content will typically link to multiple relevant pieces of info, so your backlinks will be of the highest quality when they are surrounded by other relevant backlinks.
Contact webmasters about turning those mentions into inbound links, but only when it's warranted -- like when they're citing data of yours, for example. This is a tactic called "link reclamation."
89. Offer to speak at events and seminars related to your niche, don’t forget to mention your blog while introducing yourself, this will most likely help you get some backlinks.
This one takes some effort, but it’s actually quite effective at getting new links. When you’re reading blogs, you can take the time to search for old, broken links that are dragging the blog down… and ask the blog’s owner to replace them with links to your own content. Most are willing to do so as long as your content is fresh and accurate.
Keep in mind, Google PageRank is not the only factor search engines are crawling for. Here's a good rule of thumb: identify which links are relevant and positive for your brand, and don't necessarily focus on what is good for SEO. Why? Good links for your brand will ideally lead to good SEO.
Step 5: If allowed, drop a few links into the article. They don’t all need to point to you – links should be added in a natural way, and there can be some added value in linking to your site alongside credible or any other high-authority sources.
Neil, thanks for tip #3. That just sounds brilliant to me. ha! By finding a broken link you are helping the blogger fix a problem they were unaware of, and adding a link back to your own site.
Hi Felix, Congratulations for your great post about link building. I am a big fan of the broken link building strategy and have had good success with it. My favorite tool is the “Check my links” Google Chrome extension to check web pages for broken links. If I find a broken link, I email the webmaster and ask him/her if they would like to replace it with my link. I think the broken link building strategy is a great way to obtain new backlinks because you actually help fellow webmasters fix their websites and you establish a healthy relationship with them in the same time. With this one strategy, you get more backlinks, your website ranks higher on Google, and you help the Internet be a better place
Getting backlinks – links from other websites to your business’s website – is the most effective way to improve your rankings. Not all backlinks are equal though. Some backlinks won’t improve your rankings at all, and some might even have a negative effect. Therefore, your focus should be on acquiring high quality backlinks.
Colin September 10, 2015 at 6:45 pm / Reply I am struggling to get backlinks for an event listing calendar that our company offers. For this, we aren’t writing blog posts about it or anything, we are simply providing great content for people to find things to do for fun with friends, for a date night, or even just events that somebody is passionate about. I want to do this right and know that it is a useful resource for people to find things to do, however, the hardest part is getting the word out about it. How do I get people to backlink to our calendar?
Carlos Miguel July 13, 2016 at 3:51 pm / Reply Hi, Just want to ask few questions about footprints if you are still there. Why should we leave no footprints if you are doing legit guest posting? And why use different pen names? Imagine you have guest posted on sites like Moz, Huffington,, or any authority sites all with the same pen name directing to your website. Didn’t Google will trust you and your site more? Or using different pen names build more diversity and look more organic? How about using real author name in authority sites and pen names on lower tier sites?
Hi, Onibalusi! Thanks a lot for such a wonderful list of building backlinks here. I will follow your all those points which you have clearly mentioned. Thank you once again, i always used to follow this blog and I am learning new things and tricks overall nice article and thanks for sharing a secret with us …
A few months back, I started blogging, and I have been struggling to rank my posts. After few weeks I came to know about backlinks. How backlinks are important to get better rank in google search results. But then I was confused and worried about spam and penalty. But here, I came to know about some ways to get backlinks easily. Thanks Sir.
By turning your PR strategy into an inbound one, you create opportunities that weren’t there before and carve out a place for your company, building meaningful mindshare in the process with your target audiences. Once you write a great press release, post it up on your website and then push out your releases to one of the big newswires to get more coverage.
The people searching for the two keyword phrases above are probably freelancers looking to make extra money through social media marketing. They are not your ideal target audience, so those aren’t the right keywords for you in link acquisition. Never target keywords that are off-topic or unrelated to your core message, products or services.
Blogging communities are another excellent way of getting noticed by people who are interested in reading blogs. Sites like Blog Engage, Inbound, GrowthHackers and Bizsugar all offer access to a wider community and can help you get a number of excellent links back to your blog.
Hi Felix, I just found your blog today. I’ve actually never tried the strategies you mentioned. One of the problems I find about guest posting is that it doesn’t work in ever single niche. For instance, one of the niches I am in people simply don’t guest post on other blogs. I also tried broken link method, didn’t work well for me. Probably need to try it once more. Another thing I’ve used to drive traffic to my websites is to write in relevant forums. A few of them allow you to had a signature. It’s quite old school I know but it still works. Thanks, Jordan
Hello Mr Patel, I am working hard trying to get backlinks. You and are my go to guys for this. I have been emailing people on Social Media Examiner and messsaging other people on Facebook. I’m very determined. Love your work, Scott Davidson.
Google has warned against guest posting and put a lot of people off. But high quality, targeted guest posts are different from the mass-produced, low-value posts that were a staple of many SEO strategies a few years ago. Done right, guest blogging can be an effective link building tool.
Yes, Really to create backlinks manually is too hard, Quora is one of the best way to get link naturally. Bookmarking is also a great way to get some links back.
Backlinks will remain a vital Google ranking factor. But, effective link building is now about trust and popularity. Only a high-quality backlink works in this model. According to Copyblogger, domain trust/authority represents 23.87% of Google’s ranking algorithm.
I use bookmarking for generation of buzz and possibly to get my stuff indexed, little more. My favorite form of linkbuilding comes from getting links on pages that already exist, are indexed, and carry PR as opposed to creating new, bare pages that you’ll need to build up as well. In large I’m referring to link-exchanges and blog posts. Youtube might be the only exception, but that’s because A, it’s massive and B, I’m on it regularly so it seems easy to watch something, leave a comment after, and build some authority to your page. Reply
Websites often employ SEO techniques to increase the number of backlinks pointing to their website. Some methods are free for use by everyone whereas some methods, like linkbaiting, require quite a bit of planning and marketing to work. There are also paid techniques to increase the number of backlinks to a target site. For example, private blog networks can be used to purchase backlinks.
Changes to the algorithms that produce search engine rankings can place a heightened focus on relevance to a particular topic. While some backlinks might be from sources containing highly valuable metrics, they could also be unrelated to the consumer's query or interest. An example of this would be a link from a popular shoe blog (with valuable metrics) to a site selling vintage pencil sharpeners. While the link appears valuable, it provides little to the consumer in terms of relevance.
If you would like to be a source, sign up to, and they’ll tell you when they need someone with your skills for an interview.
Thanks for your comment, Robert. I’m actually not a huge fan of forum backlinks. Forums are great for driving targeted traffic, but in my opinion, I don’t think Google places a lot of weight on forum backlinks
You can see all updates from the Niche Site Challenge here. I’m not too proud to admit when I messed up. And, around October last year, I really messed up. I promised to bring you a new niche site update every month. And did I? Nope. In fact, right now, One Day Guides lies untouched.
What kind of Blogs i have to Choose to do Guest Post ,? Since my Blog is a brand new, it doesn’t have good amount of traffic , Will the Guest blog owner consider my Blog ? One of my friend started a blog very recently .. He doesn’t do any keyword research and Create a articles like me , But Still he got very good Alexa Ranking ? and he is getting good amount of traffic as well . How it is possible ?
Thanks Kaiser, especially for the Alexa tip. Probably best to spread these links out over a period of 2-3 months to avoid Googler getting too suspicious. By the way, it seems that is brojen – it just wont let me add a new link. Regards, Paul
Rajesh Jhamb November 19, 2015 at 12:53 pm / Reply Gone those days when everybody could make spammy links and get ranked. SEO is changing process. It is evolving with the time. Google want to display quality results to its audience, that’s why It introduces Panda, penguin and other animal updates to knock out the spammy blogs from the Web. Great article indeed on Backlinks. Thank You Cheers!
Looks like some niches are better than others, but I really like Lilia’s comment about emailing sites that have links to your competitors. This is really awesome, especially if you can offer them great content that benefits them and their users. So glad I saw it!
To understand the potential of getting a link from a website, look at the number of comments they are getting per post. Also, check how many followers they have on social media and how often their fans are engaging with their posts.
Hey Oni, that’s a very good list. You’ve researched very well before writing this post. I could not even get to 50 if I would have written such article. This post deserves a RT and bookmark
If you're speaking at an event, make a really awesome, shareable presentation that people will want to find, share, and even link to later. Read this blog post for a start-to-finish guide on nailing your next presentation.
That’s because Google will also look at other outbound links in a piece of content as well, and see if they are all relevant. High quality, well researched content will typically link to multiple relevant pieces of info, so your backlinks will be of the highest quality when they are surrounded by other relevant backlinks.
Contact webmasters about turning those mentions into inbound links, but only when it's warranted -- like when they're citing data of yours, for example. This is a tactic called "link reclamation."
89. Offer to speak at events and seminars related to your niche, don’t forget to mention your blog while introducing yourself, this will most likely help you get some backlinks.
This one takes some effort, but it’s actually quite effective at getting new links. When you’re reading blogs, you can take the time to search for old, broken links that are dragging the blog down… and ask the blog’s owner to replace them with links to your own content. Most are willing to do so as long as your content is fresh and accurate.
Keep in mind, Google PageRank is not the only factor search engines are crawling for. Here's a good rule of thumb: identify which links are relevant and positive for your brand, and don't necessarily focus on what is good for SEO. Why? Good links for your brand will ideally lead to good SEO.
Step 5: If allowed, drop a few links into the article. They don’t all need to point to you – links should be added in a natural way, and there can be some added value in linking to your site alongside credible or any other high-authority sources.
Neil, thanks for tip #3. That just sounds brilliant to me. ha! By finding a broken link you are helping the blogger fix a problem they were unaware of, and adding a link back to your own site.
Hi Felix, Congratulations for your great post about link building. I am a big fan of the broken link building strategy and have had good success with it. My favorite tool is the “Check my links” Google Chrome extension to check web pages for broken links. If I find a broken link, I email the webmaster and ask him/her if they would like to replace it with my link. I think the broken link building strategy is a great way to obtain new backlinks because you actually help fellow webmasters fix their websites and you establish a healthy relationship with them in the same time. With this one strategy, you get more backlinks, your website ranks higher on Google, and you help the Internet be a better place
Getting backlinks – links from other websites to your business’s website – is the most effective way to improve your rankings. Not all backlinks are equal though. Some backlinks won’t improve your rankings at all, and some might even have a negative effect. Therefore, your focus should be on acquiring high quality backlinks.
Colin September 10, 2015 at 6:45 pm / Reply I am struggling to get backlinks for an event listing calendar that our company offers. For this, we aren’t writing blog posts about it or anything, we are simply providing great content for people to find things to do for fun with friends, for a date night, or even just events that somebody is passionate about. I want to do this right and know that it is a useful resource for people to find things to do, however, the hardest part is getting the word out about it. How do I get people to backlink to our calendar?
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